The Eldest Bahuraani With Her Hookah- Oil Painting On Canvas
The Eldest Bahuraani With Her Hookah- Oil Painting On Canvas
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Uploaded: Oct 18 2021
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She lacks neither beauty nor wealth. A powerful woman, not quite past her prime, sits with her legs crossed on a seat of red velvet and brocade cushions. She directs her gaze straight ahead of her, with all the confidence of the eldest bahuraani (daughter-in-law) in the absence of her mother-in-law. She is probably blessed with the love of more than one son in addition to her husband’s. In this oil painting, she is depicted in her leisure, smoking on a hookah upon a quiet afternoon at home.

Bahuraani Oil Painting:

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Views: 683
Uploaded: Oct 18 2021
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
She lacks neither beauty nor wealth. A powerful woman, not quite past her prime, sits with her legs crossed on a seat of red velvet and brocade cushions. She directs her gaze straight ahead of her, with all the confidence of the eldest bahuraani (daughter-in-law) in the absence of her mother-in-law. She is probably blessed with the love of more than one son in addition to her husband’s. In this oil painting, she is depicted in her leisure, smoking on a hookah upon a quiet afternoon at home.

Bahuraani Oil Painting:

Oil Paintings:


#paintings #art #bahuraanipainting #oilpaintings #indianart #mughalart #canvaspainting #bahuraaniwithhookah