Storm Outside a Bottle - Oil Painting On Canvas
Storm Outside a Bottle - Oil Painting On Canvas
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Uploaded: Dec 22 2021
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The storm outside the bottle is an oil painting by artist Anup Gomay whose central motif could be interpreted as hope. Artist may have taken the inspiration from the British adverb 'Storm In a Teacup', which slightly matches the title of the painting. It is an English adverb that means a small event that has been exaggerated out of proportion. Such is the subject and portrayal of the painting that has been canvased. There are several houses inside a bottle that seem like the architecture inspiration has been taken from Europe. The cider color buildings are safe from the tempest that has been storming outside. There are two sandstone-colored trees inside the bottle that represents hope and dream.

Storm Outside a Bottle Oil Painting:

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Views: 605
Uploaded: Dec 22 2021
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
The storm outside the bottle is an oil painting by artist Anup Gomay whose central motif could be interpreted as hope. Artist may have taken the inspiration from the British adverb 'Storm In a Teacup', which slightly matches the title of the painting. It is an English adverb that means a small event that has been exaggerated out of proportion. Such is the subject and portrayal of the painting that has been canvased. There are several houses inside a bottle that seem like the architecture inspiration has been taken from Europe. The cider color buildings are safe from the tempest that has been storming outside. There are two sandstone-colored trees inside the bottle that represents hope and dream.

Storm Outside a Bottle Oil Painting:

Oil Paintings:

Indian Art:

#indianart #paintings #oilpaintings #canvasoilpaintings #stormoutsidebottle #art #anupgomaypainting #canvaspainting