Blessing Buddha Wearing Fully Carved robe - Tibetan Buddhist Brass Statue
Blessing Buddha Wearing Fully Carved robe - Tibetan Buddhist Brass Statue
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Uploaded: Mar 11 2022
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Buddhism was first very important solely among the people of Tibet, but it gradually increased in popularity all over the world. Gautama Buddha, the first Buddha to achieve enlightenment, founded it. Tibet worships Buddha as a supernatural being rather than a deity and his teachings are a significant source of positivity and harmony among his followers. Buddha mudras and postures are examples of significant events that occurred throughout Buddha's journey to enlightenment. One such example is carved here with Buddha in blessing mudra and holding a pot which is beautifully gilded here. Lord Buddha sits in meditation stance on a lotus-carved golden pedestal that is lavishly embellished with yellow garnet stones. The gilded border has shapes of flowers, vines, and leaves. He wears a royal fully carved robe clothing stands atop a halcyon foundation adorned with the paisley motif. This Buddha brass sculpture will be an eye-catching artifact wherever it is displayed, and its bright and gorgeous auric will exude happiness and divinity.

Buddha Brass Statue:

Blessing Buddha:

Buddha Statue:

Brass Statue:

#brassstatue #buddhastatue #statues #sculptures #blessingbuddha #buddhabrassstatue #tibetianbuddha #lordbuddha #buddhasculptures #handmade #indianart #brass
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Views: 534
Uploaded: Mar 11 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
Buddhism was first very important solely among the people of Tibet, but it gradually increased in popularity all over the world. Gautama Buddha, the first Buddha to achieve enlightenment, founded it. Tibet worships Buddha as a supernatural being rather than a deity and his teachings are a significant source of positivity and harmony among his followers. Buddha mudras and postures are examples of significant events that occurred throughout Buddha's journey to enlightenment. One such example is carved here with Buddha in blessing mudra and holding a pot which is beautifully gilded here. Lord Buddha sits in meditation stance on a lotus-carved golden pedestal that is lavishly embellished with yellow garnet stones. The gilded border has shapes of flowers, vines, and leaves. He wears a royal fully carved robe clothing stands atop a halcyon foundation adorned with the paisley motif. This Buddha brass sculpture will be an eye-catching artifact wherever it is displayed, and its bright and gorgeous auric will exude happiness and divinity.

Buddha Brass Statue:

Blessing Buddha:

Buddha Statue:

Brass Statue:

#brassstatue #buddhastatue #statues #sculptures #blessingbuddha #buddhabrassstatue #tibetianbuddha #lordbuddha #buddhasculptures #handmade #indianart #brass