Large Superfine Goddess Varahi Marble Statue
Large Superfine Goddess Varahi Marble Statue
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Uploaded: Apr 13 2022
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Varahi, a supremely powerful Tantric goddess is one of the Sapt-Matrikas, seven mother goddesses who accompany goddess Durga to the battlefield as per Shakta tradition. The sow-faced goddess is considered a mighty incarnation of the divine mother and the counterpart of Vishnu’s Varaha avatar. In the Tantric traditions, she is often described as a warrior but for her children, she takes the form of an affectionate mother whose love is as pure as the snowy white moon. In this form, she is the bestower of mental and spiritual strength. Shweta (literally white) Varahi, the satvik or pure form of the goddess is evoked in times of peace when instead of victories over the enemy outside, the devotee seeks to conquer her inner adversaries. Presented on this page is the most tranquil and beautiful marble stone idol of Shweta Varahi, sitting on a full-bloomed white lotus, in the pose of royalty- Lalitasana. On her head is placed a royal mukut (crown) embellished with golden floral patterns and the crescent moon. The moon represents a person’s emotional domain, which is protected by the great goddess from all worldly turmoil.

Varahi Marble Statue:

Hindu Goddess:

Hindu Statue:

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Views: 522
Uploaded: Apr 13 2022
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Photos: 364
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Varahi, a supremely powerful Tantric goddess is one of the Sapt-Matrikas, seven mother goddesses who accompany goddess Durga to the battlefield as per Shakta tradition. The sow-faced goddess is considered a mighty incarnation of the divine mother and the counterpart of Vishnu’s Varaha avatar. In the Tantric traditions, she is often described as a warrior but for her children, she takes the form of an affectionate mother whose love is as pure as the snowy white moon. In this form, she is the bestower of mental and spiritual strength. Shweta (literally white) Varahi, the satvik or pure form of the goddess is evoked in times of peace when instead of victories over the enemy outside, the devotee seeks to conquer her inner adversaries. Presented on this page is the most tranquil and beautiful marble stone idol of Shweta Varahi, sitting on a full-bloomed white lotus, in the pose of royalty- Lalitasana. On her head is placed a royal mukut (crown) embellished with golden floral patterns and the crescent moon. The moon represents a person’s emotional domain, which is protected by the great goddess from all worldly turmoil.

Varahi Marble Statue:

Hindu Goddess:

Hindu Statue:

#varahistatue #varahimarblestatue #marblestatues #statues #sculptures #hindugoddess #hindustatue #handmade #southindiangod