Copper wire separator machine
Copper wire separator machine
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Uploaded: Apr 6 2023
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Copper wire separator machine is suitable for processing all kinds of scrap wires and cables, such as automobile electrical wire, motorcycle electric wire, industrial cable, communication cable and other miscellaneous cables which cannot be processed by wire stripping machine.

Copper wire separator machine is an environmentally friendly machinery, which adopts dry type physical separating method to separate copper from plastic. Through crushing, air separation and electrostatic separation, pure copper and plastic can be separated and recycled. The separated copper and plastic can be sold in the market, it also can used for making new products.
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Views: 354
Uploaded: Apr 6 2023
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Copper wire separator machine is suitable for processing all kinds of scrap wires and cables, such as automobile electrical wire, motorcycle electric wire, industrial cable, communication cable and other miscellaneous cables which cannot be processed by wire stripping machine.

Copper wire separator machine is an environmentally friendly machinery, which adopts dry type physical separating method to separate copper from plastic. Through crushing, air separation and electrostatic separation, pure copper and plastic can be separated and recycled. The separated copper and plastic can be sold in the market, it also can used for making new products.