Let curiosity be your guide...
About Me
I AM that I AM
Keep An Open Mind!
Posted MARCH 30, 2011 at 4:40 pm
Within a dozen and one
fortnight this day,
humanity’s awakening
shall come to pass.
Fear and panic?
No, senseless ego.
Unnecessary worry
ease your mind.
Visitors from afar
wish no harm.
Galactic in nature,
will show themselves
to be of light,
immeasurable light.
The Christ Consciousness
soul eternal,
will free us from
our manipulated mind.
From fallen angels
an evil deed;
enslavement on earth
a plague no longer.
Envision, all,
the endless wonder...
a world at peace.
Christ Consciousness abounds,
your spirit now free.
Look up to the heavens
so many will visit;
and you shall know
that we are all loved!
Our evolution IS calling us... are we going to answer the call?
Humanity Has Been Forewarned!
The continued, yet unnecessary use of nuclear energy (in all of its forms) will ultimately seal the demise of human civilization - of this we’re certain. Time is not your friend. It is the noose that we choose as human beings to hang around the neck of the Creation. Ignorance of this unbridled power is a fool’s game - humanity’s Russian roulette. Only the corporate profiteers reap the spoils. The cost to all life on Terra, your home, is far too great. We must end this insanity and do right by our mother planet and all living things upon her. May we all be blessed with the wisdom and strength to end this arrogance and shortsightedness.

United States