Kathy = outsmarted by creationists (lol), outsmarted by idiots, outsmarted by her ”friends” and still gullible as ever.
To quote ”the king of the guild” on Kathy4ever/themeangirl3 and her pathetic antics...
”Are you serious PristineVenom? Kathy has been on the internet longer than all of us. Her ”internet experience” goes all the way back to 2006 when she first joined YouTube under her now suspended themeangirl3 account.
What’s pure comedy gold is that a psychotic troll has actually fooled you into believing her lies. No one has spent years trying to get ”even” with her because she has always been a joke to us.
Since 2008, your stalker pal has been obsessed with this kid called ”The king of the guild” who simply made one comment about her pathetic atheism that has driven her insane. The irony is that he’s since vanished from the internet never to be seen again under that username but Kathy still obsesses over him none the same.
Nowadays we just come by mocking kathy on uploadsociety since she’s too scared to return to YouTube. Kathy has you twisted around her little finger like the puppet that you are...well that’s if you’re a real person and not just another of crazy Kathy’s fake accounts because we all know about she stages fake conversations with herself and pretends to have ”real” friends on the internet.
I’ll leave you to your ass licking of a psychotic old troll.”

United States