My Partners in Crime
nMo victims 2013- (chronological order)
1. BLACKBIRD (blocking pussy)
2. BlueHaze (Another blockfag)
3. Uglynn (cooked and eaten by the Lion)
4. Thefire8 (blocked me like a pussy and begged for mercy afterwards)
5. TheCauseofWetPanties (Blockfag pedophile)
6. KK/themeangirl3 (Foul mouthed geriatric pedophile who blocks like a cowardly criminal)
Views: 37,476
Subscribers: 124
screw Frozen, Colors of the Wind is my fucking jam
all you need is to shut the hell up and just drink a cup of coffee in silence, it will bring you nothing but solace trust me
Views: 38,374
Subscribers: 126
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