A Current Affair Acupuncture, Skin Care, Electrolysis
A Current Affair Acupuncture, Skin Care, Electrolysis is conveniently located in the Montclair Wellness Center on Thornhill Dr. since 1996, and have been serving Oakland and the neighboring communities. We invite you to come, relax and take a break where you can experience a nurturing, healing environment, while on on your path to renewed health.
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A Current Affair Acupuncture,
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Skin Care, Electrolysis
About Me
A Current Affair Acupuncture, Skin Care, Electrolysis will discuss your skin care regimen, diet and desired goals. For the Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Series, we take a more in-depth look at improving nutrition, lifestyle habits, quality of sleep, and minimizing stress.

United States
5737 Thornhill Drive
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