Daily Excelsior has its advertisement representatives fanned across different parts of India including New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkota,kashmir news, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Kanpur. Excelsior Internet Edition (http://www.dailyexcelsior.com) began its operations in October 1998 and has since emerged as an important online news source. This edition combines breakthrough interactive technology with engaging contents and design and is consistently ranked as the Internet’s leading content network in terms of both audience size. In 2010, the E-paper version of the newspaper was launched, which was received very well by our readers across the globe. The Internet Edition alongwith its E-paper has further helped Excelsior consolidate its position as a newspaper par editorial excellence and integrity even at the international fora.
Daily Excelsior has its advertisement representatives fanned across different parts of India including New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkota,kashmir news, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Kanpur. Excelsior Internet Edition (http://www.dailyexcelsior.com) began its operations in October 1998 and has since emerged as an important online news source. This edition combines breakthrough interactive technology with engaging contents and design and is consistently ranked as the Internet’s leading content network in terms of both audience size. In 2010, the E-paper version of the newspaper was launched, which was received very well by our readers across the globe. The Internet Edition alongwith its E-paper has further helped Excelsior consolidate its position as a newspaper par editorial excellence and integrity even at the international fora.
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