To share music, thoughts, ideas and to scandalize all who come in my path.
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About Me
I live in my Cask of Lust and Shame, committing as many abominations as possible.
I curse all who partake of Cuisses de grenouilles.
I am here because Google destroyed YouTube.
All should know that I engage in impudence with impunity.
Also, I openly declare my love for monsieur Skeilak. YouTube really came to an end when he left.
He was terminated due to the simpering of the Overfed Dullard, DemocraticGodess. A curse has been put on her head and her life is her punishment!
Also, I never remove comments, I let them stand.
United States
Committing abmoniations
I own several brothels
Luring people into my Cask.
Favorite Movies & Shows
The 300, Fight Club, The Kings Speech
Favorite Music
Green Day and Chopin
Favorite Books
Anything by Steinbeck, Jack London, Blake, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and William Blake.
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