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2 years ago
Keywizzle32 commented on video: blue monday
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago

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 United States
Parters in crime
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2 years ago
Keywizzle32 commented on video: blue monday
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago

Member Since
 United States
Parters in crime
”SMILE KIDS!! ㋡ø¤.........º°...ϟA†AN LOVES YOU ø¤º....!!†☆†☠!! ☠† ††ϟϟ☠☠ †† ! °...ϟ.ϟϟ††☠☠† MWHahAhaAAHAH ───▄▄─▄████▄▐▄▄▄▌♪♬  ──▐──████▀███▄█▄▌!COME TO ♪ ▐─▌──█▀▌──▐▀▌▀█▀♪*ME MY *♬ ─▀───▌─▌──▐─▌ ♪ PRETTIES ° ─────█─█──▐▌█ ─────█─█──▐▌█ .... COME ONE AND COME ALL AND SUBSCRIBE!!! and I will subscribe to you back.. even if you are the biggest douche bag on the face of the planet I will still subscribe to you back :D :D :D COME ONE AND COME ALL AND SUB SUB SUB 4 SUBBY SUB SUB 8-bits of death come quickly.....8-bits of rage... from the 8-bit sage ...... 8-bit viral storms are what I unleash.... ..there is no hesitation if I want to cause great devastation. From secret domains and obscurity I retrieve and alter my scripts... I set my bots! and wait for the clicks! just once and you're mine...I can see through your firewalls to your ip's you will find ..meshed algorithms . mirror the flaws in your systems ... rendering it subject to manipulation ... peer to peer I fear none...we compromise your mind just for fun ..... and slay friend and foe alike with cunning one liners, not to mention mysterious delivery systems, methods and tactics. we come to put an end to all your antics. ╱▔▔╲┈╱╲┈┈┈╱╲ ┈▏╱╲╱┈╲╯▔▔▔╰╱ ┈╲╲┈┈┈▕╭╮┈╭╮▏ ┈┈▏▔▔▔▔▏┈▅┈▕ ┈┈▏┈┈┈┈╲╰┻╯╱ ┈┈▏┈┈┈▏┈▔▔▔▏┈╱▔╲ ┈┈▏▕▔▔▏▕▔▏▕┈▕╲╱╲▏ ┈┈╲▂▏┈╲▂▏╲▂▏┈╲▂╱ ------♥♥------ Put This ----♥♥-♥♥---- Ribbon ---♥♥---♥♥--- On Your ---♥♥---♥♥--- Page If ---♥♥---♥♥--- You’re ----♥♥-♥♥---- Against -----♥♥♥------ Animal ----♥♥-♥♥---- Abuse. ---♥♥---♥♥--- Thank You ______██____██ ___█████____████ ___████__████_███ __███____████__███ __███_███___██__██ __███__███████___███ ___███_████████_████ ███_██_███████__████ _███_____████__████ __██████_____█████ ___███████__█████ ______████ _██ ______________██ _______________█ _████_________█ __█████_______█ ___████________█ ____█████______█ _________█______█ _____███_█_█__█ ____█████__█_█ ___██████___█_____█████ ____████____█___███_█████ _____██____█__██____██████ ______█___█_██_______████ ________███___________██ ________██_____________█ _______█ ______█ ______█ ______█ ______ █ _______█ _______ █ _______ █ and now I cast a mantle of defence against my enemies faggotry !!!>>ø„¸¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤ø„¸ ~SKI-~ ¸„ø¤º°¨........☠ ¸„ø¤º°¨ ~~!BAMM!!!!!!~~``°. BITCH ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø „ ……..…../´¯/)………… (\¯`\ …………/….//……….. …\\….\ ………../….//………… ….\\….\ …../´¯/…./´¯\………../¯ `\….\¯`\ .././…/…./…./.|_……_| .\….\….\…\.\.. (.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….)… ) .\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./ ..\…………….. /……..\……………..…/ ….\…………..(…………)……………./ ~ disappears in a cloud of smoke ... a cloud of hallucinogenic smoke ;)
Views: 76,278
Subscribers: 234
This is a channel where all Shadow fangirls are welcomed, but just to let all you Shadow fangirls know, I am Shadow’s #1 fan. You got that? Lol
Views: 6,698
Subscribers: 18
And through the stars Could you see Someone shining above the heavens And piercing them At the same time Down he falls unto the earth To unleash his wrath Upon the measely ants of the land Physical bodies dismember And spiritual bodies pass All things fall As he is pokejh And he is Your master. ThEConquEred: HammerOfGod (Deletes comments) Jericho (Malnourished child, leads the nMo) HellsApostle (ragequit) NitroLee (Jacob, nuffsaid.) DeathNoteFreak (Obsessed with toons) rad395 (Raped, snake fetish, and completely decimated by the conquerors) Meagan (Has many alts, ragequit numerous times, obsessed with me) And many to come. Da bes internat Trolz: massacre6 (hype from icey778) radow - Lead the MIT, one of the highest intellectuals zSanosake (Deity on here) - Conquered all of YT in 2011 JustShotsForMeh (Void on here) - Steady rule of YT from 2008 and still does even today. pokejh - View my channel comments. MegaSavage - Barely anyone could touch him. chimchar82 - Leader of UHC, still revered today pb25812462 - Handled an entire gang of socks and trolls that were trying to take his organization, made them quit. skoal22005 - best baiter alive icey778 (his trolling days) - Extremely intelligent and can rarely be touched. The hierarchy.
Views: 13,199
Subscribers: 9
Views: 12,691
Subscribers: 18

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