About Me
█║▌│ █│║▌ ║││█║▌ │║║█║ │║║█║
Original don’t be a copycat^_^
,,,,,,,,/,,,,,/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,\,,,,,\,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,(___),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(___),,,,,,,, Go ahead and make yourself comfortable, but remove your shoes first
I am the jack of all trade, the great
and conqueror; the original and the
creator. the master, and also the leader; the dreamer and the ambitious
the general and the triumphed, the non sequitur, and the vicotorious, the ring master, and champion. the gamer, and the winner. the c.e.o and the boss.
……[███ ☠ ███]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃ ♥ [̲̅̅A ̲̅][̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅D̲̅]–[̲̅̅M̲̅][̲̅̅E̲̅] ♥
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\m/ ( -_- ) \m/
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…..lo o o o o ol
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…..lo o o o o o|Paste if you like rock music
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