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Stop walking on eggshells around this bully! You all are afraid to be his next victim. Fear-based friendships...

Please realize that anything a narcissist says in defense just proves the games he plays. He accuses people of behavior he himself is guilty of. He boosts himself by bringing up past fake instances of empathy but it's all part of his game to control the narrative. He's done no wrong while most of us have problems. We're the crazy ones! We're the ones obsessing! Of course we all do wrong but a narcissist will never own up to his misbehavior unless it's an ulterior motive to keep more fake friends at his side.

INDEED: "Staying impartial is one thing, but egging on repeated cyber stalking behavior by asking a bully to 'play nice' cannot be overlooked. It's not a game. It's an obsession. The site is supposed to be an escape from stress, yet one individual continues to wreak havoc here, both on the scene (COUNTLESS CLONES) and behind the scenes (ABUSIVE PM's). He's a cancer to the site, and everyone knows it"

Yet, most gloss over his intentional cruelty. Again, this crap would not fly in the classroom or workplace!

TRUE: Indifference hurts a narcissist the most, since they thrive on attention... but why aren't more people publicly speaking out against cyber bullying, if they all supposedly know about it? We need to work together to keep this site safe. Remember, bullying can lead to suicide, even among adults!

Abusive private messages need to stop. Messages should also be friend-locked.

MARK: Send my friends and me all the vile and violent PM's you want. I won't be opening mine.

I am not attacking you, nor calling you vile names, I'm just calling out your dangerous behavior. I'm not even wishing you harm. I wish you all the best actually, and for your life to be truly fulfilling so you can stop your abuse.

Anything you say to defend yourself just proves that you're a narcissist, incapable of true change and deep friendships.

Again, if your life is so fulfilling, prove it!

You wrote: "I WILL continue to show you (JP) respect by honoring your wishes and not saying more, and believe me... I COULD say more!"

So prove this.

If you were truly happy, you wouldn't need to clone people, one-star videos, and send abusive PM's to boost yourself. Guaranteed. There's nothing left to say. Your misbehavior speaks and will speak for itself.
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 United States
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Select the category that most closely reflects your concerns so we can review it and determine if it violates the Society Guidelines

Stop walking on eggshells around this bully! You all are afraid to be his next victim. Fear-based friendships...

Please realize that anything a narcissist says in defense just proves the games he plays. He accuses people of behavior he himself is guilty of. He boosts himself by bringing up past fake instances of empathy but it's all part of his game to control the narrative. He's done no wrong while most of us have problems. We're the crazy ones! We're the ones obsessing! Of course we all do wrong but a narcissist will never own up to his misbehavior unless it's an ulterior motive to keep more fake friends at his side.

INDEED: "Staying impartial is one thing, but egging on repeated cyber stalking behavior by asking a bully to 'play nice' cannot be overlooked. It's not a game. It's an obsession. The site is supposed to be an escape from stress, yet one individual continues to wreak havoc here, both on the scene (COUNTLESS CLONES) and behind the scenes (ABUSIVE PM's). He's a cancer to the site, and everyone knows it"

Yet, most gloss over his intentional cruelty. Again, this crap would not fly in the classroom or workplace!

TRUE: Indifference hurts a narcissist the most, since they thrive on attention... but why aren't more people publicly speaking out against cyber bullying, if they all supposedly know about it? We need to work together to keep this site safe. Remember, bullying can lead to suicide, even among adults!

Abusive private messages need to stop. Messages should also be friend-locked.

MARK: Send my friends and me all the vile and violent PM's you want. I won't be opening mine.

I am not attacking you, nor calling you vile names, I'm just calling out your dangerous behavior. I'm not even wishing you harm. I wish you all the best actually, and for your life to be truly fulfilling so you can stop your abuse.

Anything you say to defend yourself just proves that you're a narcissist, incapable of true change and deep friendships.

Again, if your life is so fulfilling, prove it!

You wrote: "I WILL continue to show you (JP) respect by honoring your wishes and not saying more, and believe me... I COULD say more!"

So prove this.

If you were truly happy, you wouldn't need to clone people, one-star videos, and send abusive PM's to boost yourself. Guaranteed. There's nothing left to say. Your misbehavior speaks and will speak for itself.
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 United States

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