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[16:15:16] ☢ SNICKERS 5+1 GRATIS ☢: Also I had a mentelly ill dream
[16:15:28] ☢ SNICKERS 5+1 GRATIS ☢: It was so sad
[16:18:27 | Edited 16:19:30] ☢ SNICKERS 5+1 GRATIS ☢: And there were LOADS (Like 6) step entrance Darts in the bus station (And in Swansea, there hasn’t been any here for 6 years, and I don’t even remember them) I was so happy, then I saw that there was 2 UVG UrbanStars too (As well as the Plaxton Pointers) So I went to catch one but it disappeared, then all the Step Entrances disapeared, and there was just a sea of Swedish coaches parked up, so I ran down the street to kill myself because of what happened. Then I woke up and cryed
United Kingdom
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