Name: Rokka
RL name: Athena
Nationality: German, Spanish, Italian, Argentine, Jewish, Japanese
My b-day: April 20 1993
Age: 19
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 11’1
Personality: Smart, rude, spoiled, nice
Favorite Color: Hot pink
Favorite food: Candy, Ice Cream, and Cookies
weakness: worms
my boyfriend: ShrinePriestIchi
Brother: SamuraiKenshin
Cousins: Mio, PrincessNina, SamuraiSoyen
Sister in law: ShrineMaidenPeach
Brother in law: Demonslayerkoji
RP niece: KimonoGirlAmu
About Rokka:
Name: Rokka
Blood type: B
Height: 161 cm as in adult
Height: 120 cm as a kid
Favorite Food: Cream Stew, Strawberries
Least favorite food: carrots
Weak Point: Go’s punishment
Treasure: A stuffed panda bear Ichi gave her
Hobby: Waiting for Ichi-Sama
Special Talent: Illusion Spell
Favorite type of boy: Ichi-Sama
Remarks: Can’t Stay up later than nine o’ clock

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