Strategic Alpha, founded by Suyog Dhavan, aims to empower 100,000 people financially through TechnoValue investing. It’s a mentorship platform offering stock marketing courses online for working professionals and entrepreneurs, where they get investment advice and guidance from experienced professionals who have been in the industry for over 15 years. Individuals can learn from the detailed Strategic Alpha blog, Techno Value Investing workshop which is organized regularly, or by joining the Conviction Club where they get the latest information, market trends, and one-to-one investment guidance.
Strategic Alpha, founded by Suyog Dhavan, aims to empower 100,000 people financially through TechnoValue investing. It’s a mentorship platform offering stock marketing courses online for working professionals and entrepreneurs, where they get investment advice and guidance from experienced professionals who have been in the industry for over 15 years. Individuals can learn from the detailed Strategic Alpha blog, Techno Value Investing workshop which is organized regularly, or by joining the Conviction Club where they get the latest information, market trends, and one-to-one investment guidance.
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