Welcome to our page it features mostly me and my beloved mum who passed away. Her band was called ® Belinda & C©” and it’s still very much alive today.. Of course, it’s a long road and there’s sure to be many changes, I often wade through the files all in order overwhelming and vast a plethora of work that has become a vault, sterling original, family material mostly all available for future release, sponsorships, business purposes and proposals. Our wall has now been dedicated specifically to anyone who needs to contact us directly here for all business proposals hopefully to be featured on all multi-media platforms. We really apologize if it is not in line with regular comments and pages it’s just that we like and need to be different and business messages and notifications is direct future musical gravitation for everyone who has the best interest for the bands interest and welfare.If you prefer to email us privately then you can contact us directly at: radio_red1@outlook.com

United Kingdom
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