Feesiko, previously known as JCJ Unique Solutions Pte Ltd is a cleaning company that includes professional cleaning services in Singapore. We started our journey in 2012 with a small office space offering limited services cleaning homes and offices. Today, we offer scalable services ranging from commercial contractual cleaning to specialised cleaning, upholstery and sanitising services with a 95% customer satisfaction rate. Our offices range from 1000-10000sqm space with 120+ current employees. Certified by Bizsafe and NEA, we take pride in providing eco-friendly professional cleaning services that use natural cleaning products. To be precise, our unique cleaning products contain no toxic chemicals to ensure a healthy environment for you and your family. We strongly believe in keeping the environment and the earth clean, safe, and green.
Feesiko, previously known as JCJ Unique Solutions Pte Ltd is a cleaning company that includes professional cleaning services in Singapore. We started our journey in 2012 with a small office space offering limited services cleaning homes and offices. Today, we offer scalable services ranging from commercial contractual cleaning to specialised cleaning, upholstery and sanitising services with a 95% customer satisfaction rate. Our offices range from 1000-10000sqm space with 120+ current employees. Certified by Bizsafe and NEA, we take pride in providing eco-friendly professional cleaning services that use natural cleaning products. To be precise, our unique cleaning products contain no toxic chemicals to ensure a healthy environment for you and your family. We strongly believe in keeping the environment and the earth clean, safe, and green.
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