Artist, musician, philosopher, truth-teller. Metaphysics, holoscience, 9-11 truth, focus fusion, states rights, banking reform.
Favorite Music
All classic rock, all 70s rock, a lot of 70s soul/funk, some 80s glam rock, grunge, aggression rap, some folk, a little country, some new wave.
Favorite Books
Razors Edge by Maugham,
Moral Philosophy of George Berkeley, Lalitavistara Sutra (Buddhist),
The Mental Cure (Warren Felt Evans), Upanishads (Juan Mascaro translation),
Electric Universe (Thornhill and Talbott),
Philosophy of History and Phenomenology of Geist (Hegel),
In My Own Words (Dalai Lama),
There is A River (Sugrue),
Secret Teachings of All Ages, Varieties of Religious Experience, Dhammapada,
Mere Christianity,
anything and everything by Gurdjieff and Jung and Plato,
Stephen Kings The Stand,
Songs of Kabir,
Hearts in Atlantis,
Liars Club,
We are All Doing Time (Lozoff),
NIV Bible,
New Pearl Harbor Revisted (Griffin),
Web of Debt (Ellen Hodgson Brown), Life of John Sterling by Carlyle, Alzheimers Disease and The Dementias by McMillin,
AA Big Book,
Procopius of Caesarea: The Secret History,
George Berkeley in America by Gaustad,
Hegel, A Very Short Introduction by Singer,
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi Dowling,
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut,
Vision of Mirza by Addison, Canterbury Tales by Chaucer,
Lord of the Flies,
To Kill A Mockingbird,
Tartuffe by Moliere,
Tale of Two Cities.
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