About Me
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I’m simply a music addict. I started going to sites, Napster was the first in 2000, to find and listen to music. I began to realize that I had lost and obscure music I couldn’t find so I decided to start posting.....Some people will like a few, others might not like any and that’s fine, but when someone says, ” Great! I’ve never heard that one!”, it makes my day. And I feel the same way when somebody posts a tune I haven’t heard before or I’ve forgotten!! Meeting people from all over the world and a few that I’ll now think about and cherish for life is the icing on the cake. :)
I don’t sub for sub. If I get a request, I check out their site, check out their posts, see if any of my friends also have them, and read comments on sites to see if they’re behaving...lol.
I’m here for a good time, not a hard time. PEACE.
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