The "universal life force energy" that penetrates all living things is known as reiki. This cosmic force is also known as "the energy of love, harmony, and healing," and it has the power to cure the past, present, and future. To learn how to get attuned to reiki, you can enroll in our online and live Yogasth Vidyapeeth in Rishikesh. Once your "attunement" is received, you will be able to move past that day. With continued therapy, the senses will become more distinct and the connection with Reiki stronger. As a result, you'll be able to trust yourself and feel a connection to life's lovely things, making your life easier and more happy. You'll also start to feel more confident in yourself.
About Me
What is Reiki?
Simply put, reiki is "the energy of love, harmony, and healing" or cosmic energy. Reiki can be used to balance the body and mind, improve immunity and self-healing abilities, and modify the flow of Ki through the body.
Reiki is a therapeutic technique that begins with self-healing and hand healing with the goal of promoting spirituality and mental stability.
Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
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