Becoming Titans podcast. Episode #44. Creating Roots with Costa Rica's Call Center Richard Blank
Becoming Titans podcast. Episode #44. Creating Roots with Costa Rica's Call Center Richard Blank
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Uploaded: May 8 2023
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Your host, Russ Yeager, talks with CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center. On the Becoming Titans podcast, we interview successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who are making a positive impact in the world with their business and in their lives. These high achievers have been so focused on their business that they have not made their body and health a priority in the past and are now actively working towards a better work-life-health balance. We believe that every individual has a unique and powerful message. You’ll be hearing real stories from highly respected businessmen. Listen and learn from the changes these leaders are making as they are Becoming Titans!

#RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Leadgeneration #Appointmentsetting #becomingtitans
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Views: 327
Uploaded: May 8 2023
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Videos: 254
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Your host, Russ Yeager, talks with CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center. On the Becoming Titans podcast, we interview successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who are making a positive impact in the world with their business and in their lives. These high achievers have been so focused on their business that they have not made their body and health a priority in the past and are now actively working towards a better work-life-health balance. We believe that every individual has a unique and powerful message. You’ll be hearing real stories from highly respected businessmen. Listen and learn from the changes these leaders are making as they are Becoming Titans!

#RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Leadgeneration #Appointmentsetting #becomingtitans