Take A Look At My Girlfriend ---- that's what I said to her !!!!
Take A Look At My Girlfriend ---- that's what I said to her !!!!
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Uploaded: Oct 24 2022
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Breakfast in America -- Supertramp
"Breakfast in America" is the title track from Supertramp's 1979 album of the same name. Credited to Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson, it was a top-ten hit in the UK and a live version of the song reached No. 62 on the Billboard Hot 100 in January 1981. The lyrics tell about a person who has never been to the United States and fantasizes about it.
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Views: 340
Uploaded: Oct 24 2022
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Videos: 351
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Breakfast in America -- Supertramp
"Breakfast in America" is the title track from Supertramp's 1979 album of the same name. Credited to Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson, it was a top-ten hit in the UK and a live version of the song reached No. 62 on the Billboard Hot 100 in January 1981. The lyrics tell about a person who has never been to the United States and fantasizes about it.