High precision analytical balance
High precision analytical balance
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Uploaded: Feb 18 2023
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Using an Analytical Lab Balance

The first step is to prepare the balance for weighing your sample, by leveling and zeroing it. Check whether the leveling bubble on the weighing chamber’s floor is centered, or adjust the leveling screws located underneath. Then, close the chamber doors and briefly press down on the control bar till a row of zeros is displayed.
Solid objects can be weighed directly on the balance pan, by opening the chamber doors and placing the object on the pan. The readout will be displayed after you close the doors.
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Views: 324
Uploaded: Feb 18 2023
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Using an Analytical Lab Balance

The first step is to prepare the balance for weighing your sample, by leveling and zeroing it. Check whether the leveling bubble on the weighing chamber’s floor is centered, or adjust the leveling screws located underneath. Then, close the chamber doors and briefly press down on the control bar till a row of zeros is displayed.
Solid objects can be weighed directly on the balance pan, by opening the chamber doors and placing the object on the pan. The readout will be displayed after you close the doors.
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