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Uploaded: Feb 18 2023
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Best Location for an Analytical Balance
These sensitive devices are easily affected by air currents, temperature and other physical variables, so they are enclosed or shielded to reduce exposure. Still, the enclosures will not be able to protect them completely. You need to ensure they’re placed in a secure location that is quiet, clean, temperature-controlled and draft-free. If the building floor isn’t level, the analytical scale should be placed near an outside wall to reduce misalignment issues. They should be placed on a sturdy and level weighing table, with a cork or rubber layer to absorb vibrations. For higher accuracy and readability, use a balance with a self-correct feature or additional filters against physical influences.
TagsCrane (hanging) scales, Whole sale scales, Baby scales, Mini palm scales, Industrial platforms, assorted weighing brands including Avery, Salter, Health ( height and weight ) scales, Precision scales Analytical/Laboratory scales, Moisture meters, Temperature gauges, Pallet trolleys, kitchen scales
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