The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge by Bernie McAuley | Book Trailer | ReadersMagnet
The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge by Bernie McAuley | Book Trailer | ReadersMagnet
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Uploaded: Jan 25 2022
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Was there ever a time in your life that made you sink to your knees? Where you felt hopeless, depressed, and unsure of what to do next. With Bernie McAuley’s new release "The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge, '' you're sure to get back on your feet, inspired by a story of a man who returns home as a widower and single father and who overcomes the challenges of putting his life back together.

If you're interested in finding a way to turn your life around. Get your copy of “The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge” by Bernie McAuley today at Amazon!
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Views: 1,034
Uploaded: Jan 25 2022
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Was there ever a time in your life that made you sink to your knees? Where you felt hopeless, depressed, and unsure of what to do next. With Bernie McAuley’s new release "The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge, '' you're sure to get back on your feet, inspired by a story of a man who returns home as a widower and single father and who overcomes the challenges of putting his life back together.

If you're interested in finding a way to turn your life around. Get your copy of “The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge” by Bernie McAuley today at Amazon!