The Very Hungry Bear by Dirdura Wynn | Book Trailer | ReadersMagnet
The Very Hungry Bear by Dirdura Wynn | Book Trailer | ReadersMagnet
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Uploaded: Apr 11 2022
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“The Very Hungry Bear” by Dirdura Wynn is a great reminder for people to think before doing anything so that it would help them avoid making mistakes. It would be best to know it is not true that if someone does something terrible, there are only consequences, and they cannot do anything to make up for it.

Everyone can always redeem themselves and provide a solution and compensation for what they did wrong. This tale is about respecting and doing the right thing after they have made a mistake.
Is it too late for the bear to make promises? Join bear in her journey to replace the food he thoughtlessly ate from fox and rabbit! Order a copy now, available at Xlibris. And visit her website at:
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Views: 537
Uploaded: Apr 11 2022
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Videos: 65
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“The Very Hungry Bear” by Dirdura Wynn is a great reminder for people to think before doing anything so that it would help them avoid making mistakes. It would be best to know it is not true that if someone does something terrible, there are only consequences, and they cannot do anything to make up for it.

Everyone can always redeem themselves and provide a solution and compensation for what they did wrong. This tale is about respecting and doing the right thing after they have made a mistake.
Is it too late for the bear to make promises? Join bear in her journey to replace the food he thoughtlessly ate from fox and rabbit! Order a copy now, available at Xlibris. And visit her website at: