"Redecorate" - Twenty One Pilots (Lyrics)
"Redecorate" - Twenty One Pilots (Lyrics)
Videos: 6
Subscribers: 369
Views: 45,170
Uploaded: Jun 23 2021
Videos: 6
Subscribers: 369
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My favorite song from their spectacular new album, "Scaled and Icy". ❤

"I remember thinking how crazy powerful a story that is, and how it makes me wonder, like, "What will people do with my stuff?" It can actually bring you back down to earth, to make sure that you don't make any horrible decisions. I'm realizing now how difficult it is to talk about, but this song is really important to me." (Tyler Joseph - Twenty One Pilots)
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Views: 45,170
Uploaded: Jun 23 2021
Videos: 6
Subscribers: 369
My favorite song from their spectacular new album, "Scaled and Icy". ❤

"I remember thinking how crazy powerful a story that is, and how it makes me wonder, like, "What will people do with my stuff?" It can actually bring you back down to earth, to make sure that you don't make any horrible decisions. I'm realizing now how difficult it is to talk about, but this song is really important to me." (Tyler Joseph - Twenty One Pilots)