Roadhouse Ghost, part i
Roadhouse Ghost, part i
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Uploaded: Feb 8 2025
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the search for Reggie, part i
posted on " Rock_And_A_Hard_Place " page ...
roadhouse ... i was talking to the owner's daughter, who basically runs the place, about my ideas for doing a
"ghost style documentary" and getting permission to do filming in the facility and staff interviews ...
she said, " Jim, there's one problem , there's no ghost(s) in the roadhouse..."
i laughed and said, let's go down to the bar now, you can ask any staff what they say ....
We went down to the bar, everyone she asked, had at least one ghost story of what occurs during a normal shift ...
the owner's daughter said, well, i know there are spirits in the hotel next door, but in the bar ???
the Airways Country Inn was built in the 1950's. the roadhouse was built in 2009.
I said, Jeeze, maybe a couple like to hang out at the bar too, it's only 30 yards away !
so, i'm attempting to get permission to do produce a series of shows about Reggie(the ghost)...
and my daughter has been doing video productions for ten years and is hyped to co-produce a series about
the goings on in the roadhouse (with me)
ghost, 142
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Views: 115
Uploaded: Feb 8 2025
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Rating: 3.75/5 ~ Votes: 11
Videos: 422
Subscribers: 39
the search for Reggie, part i
posted on " Rock_And_A_Hard_Place " page ...
roadhouse ... i was talking to the owner's daughter, who basically runs the place, about my ideas for doing a
"ghost style documentary" and getting permission to do filming in the facility and staff interviews ...
she said, " Jim, there's one problem , there's no ghost(s) in the roadhouse..."
i laughed and said, let's go down to the bar now, you can ask any staff what they say ....
We went down to the bar, everyone she asked, had at least one ghost story of what occurs during a normal shift ...
the owner's daughter said, well, i know there are spirits in the hotel next door, but in the bar ???
the Airways Country Inn was built in the 1950's. the roadhouse was built in 2009.
I said, Jeeze, maybe a couple like to hang out at the bar too, it's only 30 yards away !
so, i'm attempting to get permission to do produce a series of shows about Reggie(the ghost)...
and my daughter has been doing video productions for ten years and is hyped to co-produce a series about
the goings on in the roadhouse (with me)
ghost, 142