3 Ingredient Chocolate Cookies - No Flour 18th Century Dessert
3 Ingredient Chocolate Cookies - No Flour 18th Century Dessert
Videos: 457
Subscribers: 123
Views: 1,027
Uploaded: Mar 10 2022
Videos: 457
Subscribers: 123
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'An 18th century dessert that remained popular for 50 years! I am using the 1800 edition of The Complete Confectioner. The book didn't change much over 50 years and remained a popular recipet book in the homes of those in Europe & the Americas.'
Comments (4)
Views: 1,027
Uploaded: Mar 10 2022
Videos: 457
Subscribers: 123
'An 18th century dessert that remained popular for 50 years! I am using the 1800 edition of The Complete Confectioner. The book didn't change much over 50 years and remained a popular recipet book in the homes of those in Europe & the Americas.'