A Tree Felling at Tim's Home
A Tree Felling at Tim's Home
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Views: 662
Uploaded: Nov 24 2022
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Very strong winds came recently to the Seattle area, that night I heard trees falling, some intense cracking sounds. This mature tree had fallen but lodged in the top of a grouping of nearby trees diagonally. As the tree was putting so much weight on the other trees, it was necessary to cut it down. A dedication to my dear friends Sonia and Gabriella for aiding me in clarifying the sound in this video.
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Views: 662
Uploaded: Nov 24 2022
Videos: 428
Subscribers: 122
Very strong winds came recently to the Seattle area, that night I heard trees falling, some intense cracking sounds. This mature tree had fallen but lodged in the top of a grouping of nearby trees diagonally. As the tree was putting so much weight on the other trees, it was necessary to cut it down. A dedication to my dear friends Sonia and Gabriella for aiding me in clarifying the sound in this video.