Superfine Tibetan Buddhist Large Wooden Buddha Head
Superfine Tibetan Buddhist Large Wooden Buddha Head
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Views: 655
Uploaded: Mar 17 2022
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The teachings of Lord Buddha form the basis of the Buddhist tradition. Buddha literally means ‘awakened’ who conferred the path to nirvana. This large chocolate-shaded wooden Buddha head is an alluring statue that can beautifully ornament the entrance of your hotel or office receptions. A Buddha's head is opined to be a symbol of confidence, compassion, knowledge, and good luck. The most distinctive aspect of this large sculpture is the sharp yet smooth curves forming realistic facial features; sharp-pointed nose, large albatross eyes, and perfect curve of the lips highlight Buddha’s current state of meditation. The long earlobes signify him to be born in a rich Shakya clan as a prince. Buddha's head rests on a stylized pedestal surrounded by a layer of thin and long petals at the circumference. It is one of the most sought-after collection objects. As you zoom in to the image, you will realize that just by observing the natural calm and composed gaze and the serene expression of Buddha, one may attain inner composure, personal well-being, and a path to unravel mysteries.

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Views: 655
Uploaded: Mar 17 2022
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Rating: 0/5 ~ Votes: 0
Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
The teachings of Lord Buddha form the basis of the Buddhist tradition. Buddha literally means ‘awakened’ who conferred the path to nirvana. This large chocolate-shaded wooden Buddha head is an alluring statue that can beautifully ornament the entrance of your hotel or office receptions. A Buddha's head is opined to be a symbol of confidence, compassion, knowledge, and good luck. The most distinctive aspect of this large sculpture is the sharp yet smooth curves forming realistic facial features; sharp-pointed nose, large albatross eyes, and perfect curve of the lips highlight Buddha’s current state of meditation. The long earlobes signify him to be born in a rich Shakya clan as a prince. Buddha's head rests on a stylized pedestal surrounded by a layer of thin and long petals at the circumference. It is one of the most sought-after collection objects. As you zoom in to the image, you will realize that just by observing the natural calm and composed gaze and the serene expression of Buddha, one may attain inner composure, personal well-being, and a path to unravel mysteries.

Buddha Head Wooden Sculpture:

Buddhist Statue:

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