Large Wooden Ganesha Statue Seated on Mouse With Kirtimukha Prabhavali
Large Wooden Ganesha Statue Seated on Mouse With Kirtimukha Prabhavali
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Uploaded: Mar 7 2022
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A many-layered Ganesha idol, designed for the finest home or office temple. A traditional-style plinth carved with elongated lotus petals. Featuring a simple floral structure down the frontal midline. The mouse vahana of gigantic proportions, on all four on its surface. It is craning its head back to glance at the Lord Ganesha statue on its back. This Ganesha murti depicts the chaturbhujadhari Lord seated like a child on the asana (a kind of saddle on the vahana’s back). The details of the traditional Ganpati statue are intact, from the implements in His four hands to the endearing chubby child’s form. The attire and adornments of this Ganpati murti have been carved with the greatest attention to detail and regard for symmetry. Fashioned from wood, the rich, dark-colored finish of this Ganesha murti adds to the solemnity of the work. A larger-than-life Kirtimukham motif at the zenith of the aureole, the ferocity of its proportions and expression, contrasts sharply with the sweet, gentle composure of the Lord’s countenance.

Ganesha Wooden Statue:

Ganesha Statues:

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#statues #ganeshastatue #woodenstatue #ganeshawoodenstatue #sculptures #hindugod #hindu #kirtimukhaganesha #ganpatiidol #ganeshaidol #indianart #handmadestatue #handmade #lambodara
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Views: 512
Uploaded: Mar 7 2022
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Photos: 364
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A many-layered Ganesha idol, designed for the finest home or office temple. A traditional-style plinth carved with elongated lotus petals. Featuring a simple floral structure down the frontal midline. The mouse vahana of gigantic proportions, on all four on its surface. It is craning its head back to glance at the Lord Ganesha statue on its back. This Ganesha murti depicts the chaturbhujadhari Lord seated like a child on the asana (a kind of saddle on the vahana’s back). The details of the traditional Ganpati statue are intact, from the implements in His four hands to the endearing chubby child’s form. The attire and adornments of this Ganpati murti have been carved with the greatest attention to detail and regard for symmetry. Fashioned from wood, the rich, dark-colored finish of this Ganesha murti adds to the solemnity of the work. A larger-than-life Kirtimukham motif at the zenith of the aureole, the ferocity of its proportions and expression, contrasts sharply with the sweet, gentle composure of the Lord’s countenance.

Ganesha Wooden Statue:

Ganesha Statues:

Hindu Statues:

Indian Art:

#statues #ganeshastatue #woodenstatue #ganeshawoodenstatue #sculptures #hindugod #hindu #kirtimukhaganesha #ganpatiidol #ganeshaidol #indianart #handmadestatue #handmade #lambodara