Hindu Prayer Shawl with Printed Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram Mantra
Hindu Prayer Shawl with Printed Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram Mantra
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Uploaded: May 12 2022
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'Kalyuga keval Naam adhara, Sumir Sumir mar utarahi para', In this era all the living beings are only dependent on Bhagwan's sweet and holy names because they want to liberate themselves from the continuous cycle of birth and death. Sant Shri Tulsidas Ji says that even God cannot explain the Mahimaglorification) of his name as it’s so much supreme. This holy ethnic attribute is a beautiful harinaam chadar which is a perfect gift for every being; it comes in three different looks as the devotees like to time for various divine occasions. Cloth has very huge importance in our dharma as it is used in various worshipping activities and Bhartiya festive so, this would be an amazing thing to be owned and adorned in such spiritual activities.

Ram Prayer Shawls: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/textiles/hindu-prayer-shawl-with-printed-sri-ram-jai-ram-jai-jai-ram-mantra-srb84/

Prayer Shawls: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/textiles/religious/prayershawl/

Religious Clothing: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/textiles/religious/

Textiles: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/textiles/

#textiles #prayershawls #hinduprayershawls #shawls #stoles #religiousshawls #religiousstoles #ramprayershawls #jairamprayershawls
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Views: 509
Uploaded: May 12 2022
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Photos: 364
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'Kalyuga keval Naam adhara, Sumir Sumir mar utarahi para', In this era all the living beings are only dependent on Bhagwan's sweet and holy names because they want to liberate themselves from the continuous cycle of birth and death. Sant Shri Tulsidas Ji says that even God cannot explain the Mahimaglorification) of his name as it’s so much supreme. This holy ethnic attribute is a beautiful harinaam chadar which is a perfect gift for every being; it comes in three different looks as the devotees like to time for various divine occasions. Cloth has very huge importance in our dharma as it is used in various worshipping activities and Bhartiya festive so, this would be an amazing thing to be owned and adorned in such spiritual activities.

Ram Prayer Shawls: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/textiles/hindu-prayer-shawl-with-printed-sri-ram-jai-ram-jai-jai-ram-mantra-srb84/

Prayer Shawls: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/textiles/religious/prayershawl/

Religious Clothing: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/textiles/religious/

Textiles: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/textiles/

#textiles #prayershawls #hinduprayershawls #shawls #stoles #religiousshawls #religiousstoles #ramprayershawls #jairamprayershawls