Super Large Gautam Buddha Preaching His Dharma Black Marble Statue
Super Large Gautam Buddha Preaching His Dharma Black Marble Statue
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Views: 486
Uploaded: May 17 2022
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A one-of-a-kind bitone Buddha composition. The predominant color is black, which has the unmistakable sheen of marble. The medium captures the otherworldly glamour of the erstwhile Shakyamuni. The complementary color, white, is to be found in the dotted raiment clothing of the seated figure, which makes for a surreal visual experience. Legs gathered in the perfect padmasana - heels together directly below the navel, soles of the feet facing skywards, and the hip-and-knees trifecta along a level plane. The hands in dharmachakra mudra: the left one rests upon the heels, while the right one is raised as if extending blessing. The Buddha’s robe is the most striking aspect of this sculpture. It is draped across the left shoulder and brought down over the right. The minuscule white dots on its surface are painted in long, continuous waves. These add a realistic quality to the fabric and make for an illusory optical experience.

Buddha Black Marble Statue:

Buddhist Large Statue:

Large Statue:

#buddhastatue #buddhamarblestatue #blackmarblestatue #gautambuddhastatue #buddhism #preachingbuddha #buddhablackmarble #padmasanabuddha
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Views: 486
Uploaded: May 17 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
A one-of-a-kind bitone Buddha composition. The predominant color is black, which has the unmistakable sheen of marble. The medium captures the otherworldly glamour of the erstwhile Shakyamuni. The complementary color, white, is to be found in the dotted raiment clothing of the seated figure, which makes for a surreal visual experience. Legs gathered in the perfect padmasana - heels together directly below the navel, soles of the feet facing skywards, and the hip-and-knees trifecta along a level plane. The hands in dharmachakra mudra: the left one rests upon the heels, while the right one is raised as if extending blessing. The Buddha’s robe is the most striking aspect of this sculpture. It is draped across the left shoulder and brought down over the right. The minuscule white dots on its surface are painted in long, continuous waves. These add a realistic quality to the fabric and make for an illusory optical experience.

Buddha Black Marble Statue:

Buddhist Large Statue:

Large Statue:

#buddhastatue #buddhamarblestatue #blackmarblestatue #gautambuddhastatue #buddhism #preachingbuddha #buddhablackmarble #padmasanabuddha