The Labyrinth - Oil Painting On Canvas
The Labyrinth - Oil Painting On Canvas
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Uploaded: Dec 28 2021
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N. Harichandan of Orissa is one of the artists who are capable of encapsulating abstract art in the most beautiful way. Abstract art is the use of shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve the effect of visual reality. In this painting, the artist has encapsulated a labyrinth, mostly referred to as a maze which is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. In the modern world, it is a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way.

The Labyrinth:

Oil On Canvas:

Indian Art:

#indianart #oilpaintings #oiloncanvas #thelabyrinthpainting #canvaspainting #painting #art #labyrinthoilpainting
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Views: 647
Uploaded: Dec 28 2021
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
N. Harichandan of Orissa is one of the artists who are capable of encapsulating abstract art in the most beautiful way. Abstract art is the use of shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve the effect of visual reality. In this painting, the artist has encapsulated a labyrinth, mostly referred to as a maze which is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. In the modern world, it is a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way.

The Labyrinth:

Oil On Canvas:

Indian Art:

#indianart #oilpaintings #oiloncanvas #thelabyrinthpainting #canvaspainting #painting #art #labyrinthoilpainting