Handmade Hindu Goddess Varahi Brass Statue
Handmade Hindu Goddess Varahi Brass Statue
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Uploaded: Feb 26 2022
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The saptamatrka is a set of interesting deities from the Hindu pantheon. They are the maternal manifestations (‘matrikas’) of seven (‘sapta’) Hindu devas; and, as divine manifestations, are distinct from the wives and companions of those devas. Devi Varahi, whose murti you see on this page, is one of the saptamatrkas. She is the ashtabhujadhari (eight-armed) maternal manifestation of Lord Varaha, the boar incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The unusual aspect of Her throne, a gigantic lotus bloom, is how the base layer of the lotus petals spread about on the floor beneath. Note how one of the flattened petals cradles the tender foot of Her pendant left leg. Despite the porcine face, Devi Varahi is no less in terms of symmetry of feature and the compassion of Her bearing. An engraved crown, a sun-like halo. Vaishnavite implements in Her many hands, especially the discus in the posteriormost right. A pure brass saptamatrka murti such as this one would be an unusual addition to the home or office temple of the Vaishnavite devotee.

Varahi Brass Statatue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/16-goddess-varahi-in-brass-handmade-made-in-india-zdi67/

Hindu Goddess: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/goddess/

Hindu Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/

Sculptures: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/

#statues #goddessvarahi #brasstatue #varahibarssstatue #sculpures #hindugoddess #hindugoddessstatue #varahistatue #ashtabhujadharivarahi #devivarahi #varahimurti #varahiidol
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Views: 541
Uploaded: Feb 26 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
The saptamatrka is a set of interesting deities from the Hindu pantheon. They are the maternal manifestations (‘matrikas’) of seven (‘sapta’) Hindu devas; and, as divine manifestations, are distinct from the wives and companions of those devas. Devi Varahi, whose murti you see on this page, is one of the saptamatrkas. She is the ashtabhujadhari (eight-armed) maternal manifestation of Lord Varaha, the boar incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The unusual aspect of Her throne, a gigantic lotus bloom, is how the base layer of the lotus petals spread about on the floor beneath. Note how one of the flattened petals cradles the tender foot of Her pendant left leg. Despite the porcine face, Devi Varahi is no less in terms of symmetry of feature and the compassion of Her bearing. An engraved crown, a sun-like halo. Vaishnavite implements in Her many hands, especially the discus in the posteriormost right. A pure brass saptamatrka murti such as this one would be an unusual addition to the home or office temple of the Vaishnavite devotee.

Varahi Brass Statatue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/16-goddess-varahi-in-brass-handmade-made-in-india-zdi67/

Hindu Goddess: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/goddess/

Hindu Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/

Sculptures: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/

#statues #goddessvarahi #brasstatue #varahibarssstatue #sculpures #hindugoddess #hindugoddessstatue #varahistatue #ashtabhujadharivarahi #devivarahi #varahimurti #varahiidol