Sixteen-Armed Vira-Ganesha Brass Statue
Sixteen-Armed Vira-Ganesha Brass Statue
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Uploaded: Apr 27 2022
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This brass image of Ganapati, small in size but immeasurable in its magnificence and grandeur, defines his Vira Ganapati – the ‘valiant warrior’ form, one of his initial thirty-four classical forms which early texts, the eighth century Maudgalya Purana in special, have identified or conceived. Though exceptionally beautiful and endowed with divine aura, Vira Ganapati, primarily a votive form conceived as standing and in readiness to proceed to a target, is broadly a fierce form having a commanding posture. In plasticity, precision, minuteness of details, especially in designing his ‘antariya’ – the lower wear, ornaments, and crown, and in creating the desired effect, especially the majestic bearing, the artifact is simply unparalleled. With sixteen arms stretched on both sides, the image acquires circular form and is thus suggestive of cosmic dimensions which Lord Ganesha pervades.

Sixteen Arms Ganesha Statue:

Ganesha Statues:

Brass Statues:

Hindu God:

#ganeshastatue #brassstatue #ganeshaidol #ganeshabrassstatue #ganpatiidol #handmade #hindugod #sixteenarmedganesha #ganesha #ganeshasculpture
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Views: 508
Uploaded: Apr 27 2022
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Photos: 364
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This brass image of Ganapati, small in size but immeasurable in its magnificence and grandeur, defines his Vira Ganapati – the ‘valiant warrior’ form, one of his initial thirty-four classical forms which early texts, the eighth century Maudgalya Purana in special, have identified or conceived. Though exceptionally beautiful and endowed with divine aura, Vira Ganapati, primarily a votive form conceived as standing and in readiness to proceed to a target, is broadly a fierce form having a commanding posture. In plasticity, precision, minuteness of details, especially in designing his ‘antariya’ – the lower wear, ornaments, and crown, and in creating the desired effect, especially the majestic bearing, the artifact is simply unparalleled. With sixteen arms stretched on both sides, the image acquires circular form and is thus suggestive of cosmic dimensions which Lord Ganesha pervades.

Sixteen Arms Ganesha Statue:

Ganesha Statues:

Brass Statues:

Hindu God:

#ganeshastatue #brassstatue #ganeshaidol #ganeshabrassstatue #ganpatiidol #handmade #hindugod #sixteenarmedganesha #ganesha #ganeshasculpture