Graciously Adorned Lord Vishnu Bronze Statue
Graciously Adorned Lord Vishnu Bronze Statue
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Uploaded: Apr 29 2022
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The towering presence of Lord Vishnu would add a world of auspiciousness to your space. A larger-than-life murti like the one that you see on this page serves just the purpose. It is fashioned from pure bronze in the hands of traditional artisans of the South. Indeed, bronze as a medium of the great Indian cultural tradition flourished in the Southern recesses of the subcontinent, under the patronage of the Pallava and Chola rulers. The resplendent chaturbhujadhari Lord Vishnu is an example of centuries of perfected workmanship. The iconography is inspiring. Conchs in His posterior hands, the right anterior hand meeting out blessings upon devotees. A richly embroidered dhoti tied at His broad hips with a girdle of gold, fishtailed sashes cascading down the length of His long legs. Upon an upturned lotus pedestal He stands, a substantial number in itself in terms of height and width. The tapering crown on the head of Lord Vishnu adds to the sculpture of the composition. Note the Kirtimukham engraved upon the same, in the likeness of the motif upon His girdle as well as the statement Kirtimukham image at the zenith of the aureole. The aureole that surrounds the standing Lord Vishnu Statue and the platform upon which it is built serves the function of a surrounding temple. The pedestal lies upon a graciously curving platform, vines lattice worked into its frontal plane. The aureole that stems from its surface is sculpted after the architecture of ancient regional temple pillars.

Lord Vishnu Bronze Statue:

Vishnu Statues:

Hindu God:

#vishnustatue #bronzestatue #lordvishnustatue #vishnuidol #vishnubronzestatue #hindugod #godstatue #bangalorebronze #handmade #indianart
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Views: 865
Uploaded: Apr 29 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
The towering presence of Lord Vishnu would add a world of auspiciousness to your space. A larger-than-life murti like the one that you see on this page serves just the purpose. It is fashioned from pure bronze in the hands of traditional artisans of the South. Indeed, bronze as a medium of the great Indian cultural tradition flourished in the Southern recesses of the subcontinent, under the patronage of the Pallava and Chola rulers. The resplendent chaturbhujadhari Lord Vishnu is an example of centuries of perfected workmanship. The iconography is inspiring. Conchs in His posterior hands, the right anterior hand meeting out blessings upon devotees. A richly embroidered dhoti tied at His broad hips with a girdle of gold, fishtailed sashes cascading down the length of His long legs. Upon an upturned lotus pedestal He stands, a substantial number in itself in terms of height and width. The tapering crown on the head of Lord Vishnu adds to the sculpture of the composition. Note the Kirtimukham engraved upon the same, in the likeness of the motif upon His girdle as well as the statement Kirtimukham image at the zenith of the aureole. The aureole that surrounds the standing Lord Vishnu Statue and the platform upon which it is built serves the function of a surrounding temple. The pedestal lies upon a graciously curving platform, vines lattice worked into its frontal plane. The aureole that stems from its surface is sculpted after the architecture of ancient regional temple pillars.

Lord Vishnu Bronze Statue:

Vishnu Statues:

Hindu God:

#vishnustatue #bronzestatue #lordvishnustatue #vishnuidol #vishnubronzestatue #hindugod #godstatue #bangalorebronze #handmade #indianart