Sheshashayi Vishnu - And The Birth Of Lord Brahma Bronze Statue
Sheshashayi Vishnu - And The Birth Of Lord Brahma Bronze Statue
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Uploaded: Jun 1 2022
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The image of the Sheshashayi Vishnu induces great calm and stability in the mind of the devotee. Shesha is the name of the naga (snake) on whose coils the Lord lies in sleep, which is the Sanskrit word for 'end'; 'shayi' in Sanskrit stands for one who is lain down. It is the volatile moment between destruction and re-projection, the transitional state between two cycles of time and existence as we know it. It is a powerful image and as one looks upon it, one visualizes the chaotic but amniotic ocean that surrounds Him as He dreams the world into being. He is a superbly handsome deity as captured in the select medium of bronze, this composition having been handpicked from South India for its high-precision finish.

Sheshashayi Vishnu Bronze Statue:

Vishnu Statue:

Hindu Statue:

#statue #sheshashayivishnu #vishnustatue #lordbrahma #bronzestatue #lordvishnuidol #vishnubronzestatue #sheshashayivishnubronze #hindugod
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Views: 458
Uploaded: Jun 1 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
The image of the Sheshashayi Vishnu induces great calm and stability in the mind of the devotee. Shesha is the name of the naga (snake) on whose coils the Lord lies in sleep, which is the Sanskrit word for 'end'; 'shayi' in Sanskrit stands for one who is lain down. It is the volatile moment between destruction and re-projection, the transitional state between two cycles of time and existence as we know it. It is a powerful image and as one looks upon it, one visualizes the chaotic but amniotic ocean that surrounds Him as He dreams the world into being. He is a superbly handsome deity as captured in the select medium of bronze, this composition having been handpicked from South India for its high-precision finish.

Sheshashayi Vishnu Bronze Statue:

Vishnu Statue:

Hindu Statue:

#statue #sheshashayivishnu #vishnustatue #lordbrahma #bronzestatue #lordvishnuidol #vishnubronzestatue #sheshashayivishnubronze #hindugod