Large Lord Ganesha with a Traditional Prabhavali and Parasol Atop In Brass
Large Lord Ganesha with a Traditional Prabhavali and Parasol Atop In Brass
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Uploaded: Jan 7 2022
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This large bellied and elephant faced, Lord Ganesha holds the power to remove all obstacles to have a fruitful and healthy life. Ganesha was given a boon, that he would be worshipped as the primary deity before the start of any auspicious event, which is consciously or unconsciously done by the whole mankind. This large Ganesha brass sculpture is a super fine piece of beauty because of its large size, extraordinary carvings and realistic features, which can ornate your surroundings in an aura of spirituality and aesthetic beauty.

Lord Ganesha Statue:

Ganesha Idol:

Hindu Idols:


Indian Art:

#statues #sculptures #ganeshaidol #ganeshastatues #lordganeshasculptures #brassstatue #brasssculptures #indianart #art #hindustatues #hinduart #lordganeshawithprabhavali #lordganeshabrassstatues #brassganesha
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Views: 635
Uploaded: Jan 7 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
This large bellied and elephant faced, Lord Ganesha holds the power to remove all obstacles to have a fruitful and healthy life. Ganesha was given a boon, that he would be worshipped as the primary deity before the start of any auspicious event, which is consciously or unconsciously done by the whole mankind. This large Ganesha brass sculpture is a super fine piece of beauty because of its large size, extraordinary carvings and realistic features, which can ornate your surroundings in an aura of spirituality and aesthetic beauty.

Lord Ganesha Statue:

Ganesha Idol:

Hindu Idols:


Indian Art:

#statues #sculptures #ganeshaidol #ganeshastatues #lordganeshasculptures #brassstatue #brasssculptures #indianart #art #hindustatues #hinduart #lordganeshawithprabhavali #lordganeshabrassstatues #brassganesha