Name: Nina Takasugi
RL name: Ashley
Nationality: In my mom’s side: German, Italian, and Spanish
In my dad’s side: Norwegian-Canadian
Gender: Female
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’2
Weight: 98 Ibs
Personality: Kind, Timid, Shy
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite food: Candy, Ice Cream, and Cookies
About Nina:
Name: Nina Yamada
Blood type: 0
Birthday: March 14th
Height: 154 cm
Favorite Food: Strawberry shortcake, vanilla, ice cream
Least favorite food: Grinko nut
Favorite Subject: Music and P.E
Least Favorite subject: Math and Geography
Hobbies: Stretch Exercise ( sit-ups ) Shopping
Special Talent: Favorite type a boy: Someone Strong, Kind, good-looking, and protective
Remarks: It’s just cooking she’s at. She’s not good at house work in general. She doesn’t seem to realize this.
