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Dragon Ball (ドラゴンボール)
Hello, this channel belongs to the user Blademaster36, on Upload Society, Blade has made a joint account between Frieza, Cell, Cooler and Zangya.. Since a second channel is kind of some work, we all decided to make this account a joint, and will be uploading videos of Dragon Ball/Z/GT fights/best scenes.
Blade: I look forward to uploading the best fights/scenes of Dragon Ball. I do agree with Cooler that all videos should be in order starting with the Pilaf Saga and so on. I do also think that all videos should be from the Uncut English dub due to Goku sounding like a baby in Japanese.

Frieza: Hello, do not make fun of me, because for the first time, I am not in charge of things, Blade has made this account for fights/best scenes, If you even THINK about mocking me, I’ll flay you.

Zangya: I never really went on Upload Society that much. xD But once Frieza told me about the joint account, I think it will be a good idea! Thank you Blade for creating this channel, I never was in a multiple user account.

Cell: Lol, Blade saved me the work for making another channel because my other channel, DragonBallZ is unusable, since I forgot the password, Also the work won’t be on all me to upload and stuff. We should also upload movies as well!

Cooler: This should be fun! XP
I think we should upload fights/best scenes in order, Such as:
Pilaf saga fights/best scenes, Red Ribbon army fights/best scenes, ext.
Not: Omega Shenron saga best scenes/fights, My movie, King Piccolo saga fights/best scenes.
Member Since
 United States
The Owners of This Account!
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Dragon Ball (ドラゴンボール)
Hello, this channel belongs to the user Blademaster36, on Upload Society, Blade has made a joint account between Frieza, Cell, Cooler and Zangya.. Since a second channel is kind of some work, we all decided to make this account a joint, and will be uploading videos of Dragon Ball/Z/GT fights/best scenes.
Blade: I look forward to uploading the best fights/scenes of Dragon Ball. I do agree with Cooler that all videos should be in order starting with the Pilaf Saga and so on. I do also think that all videos should be from the Uncut English dub due to Goku sounding like a baby in Japanese.

Frieza: Hello, do not make fun of me, because for the first time, I am not in charge of things, Blade has made this account for fights/best scenes, If you even THINK about mocking me, I’ll flay you.

Zangya: I never really went on Upload Society that much. xD But once Frieza told me about the joint account, I think it will be a good idea! Thank you Blade for creating this channel, I never was in a multiple user account.

Cell: Lol, Blade saved me the work for making another channel because my other channel, DragonBallZ is unusable, since I forgot the password, Also the work won’t be on all me to upload and stuff. We should also upload movies as well!

Cooler: This should be fun! XP
I think we should upload fights/best scenes in order, Such as:
Pilaf saga fights/best scenes, Red Ribbon army fights/best scenes, ext.
Not: Omega Shenron saga best scenes/fights, My movie, King Piccolo saga fights/best scenes.
Member Since
 United States
The Owners of This Account!
A channel with many different kinds of anime scenes which are mostly fights. On rare occasions I will upload non-anime videos such as fights from American movies or shows.
Views: 11,700
Subscribers: 124
I am the owner of the Cell Games!
Views: 3,138
Subscribers: 16
Hello my underlings, I am the almighty Lord Frieza! Tremble under my strength!! For I am Ruler of the Universe!! Obey me or you shall suffer and die, and before you die.. I shall show you nightmares far worse then hell. ;D Have a horrib- I mean nice day, my servants!
Views: 5,797
Subscribers: 16
I was freed from King Kia’s Planet by Cell.. Thank You Cell!!
Views: 3,361
Subscribers: 6
Sorry if my little brother, Frieza, is annoying!! He always is! Anyways, As you can see, Frieza may have surpassed me with his Golden Form, but I can get a Golden 5th form, I am still working on it! xP Just watch, and you will see.. I AM COOLER THEN ALL OF YOU! ;D xD Oh by the way, don’t think you can surpass me, Because if you do, soon you will be at my mercy.. Edit: What mercy? xP
Views: 2,005
Subscribers: 8

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