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HAHA,Catie after she sniffs lots of bad `cawk`↓
DevilKid660 commented 2 hours ago Reply | Spam
Depression setting in, I can’t help life geez my life needs a booster
how can he judge another when his own life is in ’’Shambles’’ he must feel good within himself know the Truth..or to love others..I want to release this love. but one has to love himself before he can love others

I Truly believe this.

why is it so hard to love one’s self some Times ? is this just human nature or lack there of, is he doing everything in his life that makes him feel worthy of love and loving himself..he must take a stand and do what it takes to be in that place ,but it’s not easy to stand there .if he feels he’s lacking Something in his own life ..that he’s afraid to do..or some goal he feels he’s incapable of attending can he get there ..did u say only by faith..(yes) faith.and how ...does one go about getting this faith..And standing up to the ever changing challenges and struggles of life_

how can one put off the old..and put on the new, ..and no that is where he Stand in the (place) and in This moment how will he no.
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Select the category that most closely reflects your concerns so we can review it and determine if it violates the Society Guidelines
HAHA,Catie after she sniffs lots of bad `cawk`↓
DevilKid660 commented 2 hours ago Reply | Spam
Depression setting in, I can’t help life geez my life needs a booster
how can he judge another when his own life is in ’’Shambles’’ he must feel good within himself know the Truth..or to love others..I want to release this love. but one has to love himself before he can love others

I Truly believe this.

why is it so hard to love one’s self some Times ? is this just human nature or lack there of, is he doing everything in his life that makes him feel worthy of love and loving himself..he must take a stand and do what it takes to be in that place ,but it’s not easy to stand there .if he feels he’s lacking Something in his own life ..that he’s afraid to do..or some goal he feels he’s incapable of attending can he get there ..did u say only by faith..(yes) faith.and how ...does one go about getting this faith..And standing up to the ever changing challenges and struggles of life_

how can one put off the old..and put on the new, ..and no that is where he Stand in the (place) and in This moment how will he no.
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 United States
♩♭♪♮♫♯♬ ♩♭♪♮♫♯♬♮♫♯♬
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╔══╦══╦══╗ ║╔═╣║║╠═╗║ ║║║║║║║║║║ ║╚╩╩╩╩╩═╝║ ╚════════╝ nMo victims 2013- (chronological order) 1. BLACKBIRD (blocking pussy) 2. BlueHaze (Another blockfag) 3. Uglynn (cooked and eaten by the Lion) 4. Thefire8 (blocked me like a pussy and begged for mercy afterwards) 5. TheCauseofWetPanties (Blockfag pedophile) 6. KK/themeangirl3 (Foul mouthed geriatric pedophile who blocks like a cowardly criminal)
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screw Frozen, Colors of the Wind is my fucking jam ┊┊┊┊╭╯╭╯┊┊┊ ┊╱▔╭╯╭╯▔╲┊┊ ▕╲▂▂▂▂▂▂╱▏┊ ┊▏┈╱╲╱╲┈▕━╮ ┊▏┈╲┈┈╱┈▕┊┃ ┊▏┈┈╲╱┈┈▕━╯ ┊╲▂▂▂▂▂▂╱┊┊ all you need is to shut the hell up and just drink a cup of coffee in silence, it will bring you nothing but solace trust me
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