A channel with many different kinds of anime scenes which are mostly fights.
On rare occasions I will upload non-anime videos such as fights from American movies or shows.
Views: 11,700
Subscribers: 124
This is a channel where all Shadow fangirls are welcomed, but just to let all you Shadow fangirls know, I am Shadow’s #1 fan. You got that? Lol
Views: 6,820
Subscribers: 18
I might.
Maybe just to put my apps out there once I learn how to create them, I will upload some videos here.
Voice acting videos?
That is a maaaayyybe...
Anyway, I read all of my comments even though I might not respond to all of them.
Trolls and haters, I do not care if you say horrendous nonsense to me.
I will simply give a chuckle and an ”Okay”, then ignore it.
However, if I feel like it, I will take my time out of the day just to troll or hate you back.
Thank you.
Views: 2,947
Subscribers: 12
Views: 1,886
Subscribers: 6
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