from the album 'blood pressures'
edits by fLak woLfe 142 ...
severaL weeks ago i started watching some 'sherLock hoLmes' fiLms from the 1940's. one of the recurring scenes was a train zooming by whiLe blowing the whistLe, especially during that time period - mass transportation -
when i was first editing , i was pLaying around with the opening percussion (of the song) & came up with a cLik / cLik that sounded like a train on the tracks .... so i Looped the drums to sound like train tracks, added the train whistLe ( as the intro) .... pLus, i thought the Least i couLd do was feature a photo of sherLock & his crew .... it wasn't a pLanned thing, it just worked out that way...
i hope you enjoy.
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