What can we obtain by processing 1 tons waste radiators? #ewaste #radiatorrecycling #aluminum
What can we obtain by processing 1 tons waste radiators? #ewaste #radiatorrecycling #aluminum
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Uploaded: Jan 3 2024
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According to the data, the average waste radiators contain 50-55% copper, 40-45% aluminium and the rest is iron. Therefore, by processing 1 tons waste radiators, we get 530 kg of copper, 430 kg of aluminium and 40 kg of iron.

They can be sold more easily and at good prices. Because there is a large market demand for the copper and aluminium.

There are two types of radiator recycling machines that can recycle used radiators in DOING. One is a stripping type radiator recycling machine, the other is a radiator crushing and separation machine.

Email: market@doinggroup.com
WhatsApp/Wechat/Phone: +86 150 3713 8562
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Uploaded: Jan 3 2024
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According to the data, the average waste radiators contain 50-55% copper, 40-45% aluminium and the rest is iron. Therefore, by processing 1 tons waste radiators, we get 530 kg of copper, 430 kg of aluminium and 40 kg of iron.

They can be sold more easily and at good prices. Because there is a large market demand for the copper and aluminium.

There are two types of radiator recycling machines that can recycle used radiators in DOING. One is a stripping type radiator recycling machine, the other is a radiator crushing and separation machine.

Email: market@doinggroup.com
WhatsApp/Wechat/Phone: +86 150 3713 8562
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