Large OM-AUM Brass Wall Hanging
Large OM-AUM Brass Wall Hanging
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Uploaded: Jan 19 2022
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Aum is the most important syllable in Hindu chanting. It is the beginning as well as the culmination of every mantra in the divine language of Sanskrt. It is a composite of three different phonetics, namely ‘a’, followed by ‘u’, and finally ‘m’. Contained within the aum is the entire linguistic range of man; as such, chanting aum is to have chanted the Vedas and all of itihasa. A powerful syllable such as the aum is the sounding board of all spoken languages, the pronunciation of which is indispensable to the practice of yoga.

OM Brass Wall Hanging:

Hindu Ritual:

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Views: 574
Uploaded: Jan 19 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
Aum is the most important syllable in Hindu chanting. It is the beginning as well as the culmination of every mantra in the divine language of Sanskrt. It is a composite of three different phonetics, namely ‘a’, followed by ‘u’, and finally ‘m’. Contained within the aum is the entire linguistic range of man; as such, chanting aum is to have chanted the Vedas and all of itihasa. A powerful syllable such as the aum is the sounding board of all spoken languages, the pronunciation of which is indispensable to the practice of yoga.

OM Brass Wall Hanging:

Hindu Ritual:

Large Statues:


Indian Art:

#indianart #sculptures #largestatues #hindurituals #ombrass #wallhangings #aumwallhangings #hindu #rituals #hindurituals #art #handmade #brasswallhangings #ombrasswallhanging