Shiva Brass Statues - The King of Dancers
Shiva Brass Statues - The King of Dancers
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Uploaded: Feb 9 2022
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The urdhvatandava stance of the dancing Shiva is immortalised in the ancient Thillai Nataraja temple in Cidambaram. The murti that you see on this page depicts the Nataraja in this stance: the right leg is raised high behind the spine, such that the sole of the foot almost touches the back of His crown. Sculpted from pure brass, the dancing figure is balanced on the toes of the left foot. The Lord balances with His anterior arms stretched out sideways. The posterior arms bear the damroo, the sound of which is responsible for srshti (creative projection), and a quantum of flame, the element of annihilation. A composure of perfect beauty and balance characterises the face of Nataraja. In fact, beauty and balance is what Nataraja is all about. Behind the facade of aggression and annihilation of tandava is great equilibrium and a timeless aesthetic. The same has been portrayed in this sculpture with remarkable skill and detail, from the elements of His traditional iconography to the flawless urdhvatandava stance.

Shiva Brass Statue:

Shiva Statue:

Hindu God:


#hindugod #shivastatue #shivabrassstatue #hindu #sculptures #statues #dancingshiva #lordshiva #natarajashiva #natarajastatue #brassstatue #shiva #shivatandavstatue
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Views: 575
Uploaded: Feb 9 2022
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Photos: 364
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The urdhvatandava stance of the dancing Shiva is immortalised in the ancient Thillai Nataraja temple in Cidambaram. The murti that you see on this page depicts the Nataraja in this stance: the right leg is raised high behind the spine, such that the sole of the foot almost touches the back of His crown. Sculpted from pure brass, the dancing figure is balanced on the toes of the left foot. The Lord balances with His anterior arms stretched out sideways. The posterior arms bear the damroo, the sound of which is responsible for srshti (creative projection), and a quantum of flame, the element of annihilation. A composure of perfect beauty and balance characterises the face of Nataraja. In fact, beauty and balance is what Nataraja is all about. Behind the facade of aggression and annihilation of tandava is great equilibrium and a timeless aesthetic. The same has been portrayed in this sculpture with remarkable skill and detail, from the elements of His traditional iconography to the flawless urdhvatandava stance.

Shiva Brass Statue:

Shiva Statue:

Hindu God:


#hindugod #shivastatue #shivabrassstatue #hindu #sculptures #statues #dancingshiva #lordshiva #natarajashiva #natarajastatue #brassstatue #shiva #shivatandavstatue